The Perfect Tale in “The Lost Apothecary” by Sarah Penner
"The Lost Apothecary" by Sarah Penner. This book follows these brave women through these decisions.
Why You Should Read Waking The Witch
Mixed with history, the author’s own experiences and folklore to feed the soul, creating an even more present sense of wonder and intrigue. Pam Grossman takes you along for an empowering ride to finding your inner power. Why Were Women Accused Of Being Witches Those who have accused those of being witches or practicing the darker arts, well, let’s say, they were mostly men (or the wives scorned by said witch) and sexist. It is interesting to learn that those who accused (mainly) women of being witches had some ego issues, to say the least. Are you going to question my motives and authority? You almost have succeeded in making…
Do you think the universe has your back?
Take a brief few minutes each day to thank the universe for all you have been given, ask for what you want to receive from a place of love, not greed, and watch the path unfold in front of you.
Book Review: Wear No Evil – A Guide To Ethical Fashion
Sometimes it doesn’t take a big change to make a difference. After watching the documentary The True Cost (https://truecostmovie.com/) I want to learn so much more about ethical fashion and how I could do my part. This book, Wear No Evil – A Guide To Ethical Fashion is a great resource. This book takes you through the conditions within the last few years. What it takes to make a garment (you’d be surprised just what goes into making a simple T-Shirt!), and introduces you to some amazing brands that you’ll definitely want to support. Wear No Evil breaks it down into fibers to look for and avoid. Admittedly there were…