Various herbs laid out
Curl Up With A Good Book,  The Herb Life

How Is The Secret Language of Herbs by Alice Peck

I started to get big into gardening in the last few years, ever since we moved to a house with a big backyard with plenty of room for my green thumb needs. I’m still trying to perfect this, we’ve lost some plants along the way. One book that has been a huge resource for me is The Secret Language of Herbs by Alice Peck.

The Secret Language of Herbs Book

Secret Language of Herbs Book by Alice Peck
Secret Language of Herbs Book by Alice Peck

This little herbal book covers 55 herbs broken down into four chapters. Healing & Hope, Love & Joy, Protection & Guidance, and Ritual & Promise. There’s a little bit of history, folklore, magic, spiritual meaning, and your personality traits based on which one is your favorite. It was hard to pick my favorite but I do have a fascination with Dill. I just love the smell…SO GOOD, and will try to put it into almost any dish. The images in this book are so stunning and lovely, right up my alley. I’ve always loved learning the history behind pretty much anything so to have such an easy read give you a bit of history without it becoming overwhelming is great.

More Than Just Weeds

I definitely have more respect for herbs that I just thought of as weeds, realizing the healing or medical powers they actually do possess is amazing to learn about. If you are looking for more natural ‘cures’ per se or ways to help alleviate ailments a bit then this is a great place to start. I’m on my second read of this magical book, this time taking notes of plants that are meant to give good luck, and can be used in tinctures or teas, or anything that can ward off not the best of intentions. You can best believe that some of these beauties will be planted in my garden this year.

How Plants Have Worked Into My Wellness Journey: The Secret Language of Herbs

Secret Language of Herbs Book by Alice Peck on Lavender
Secret Language of Herbs Book by Alice Peck on Lavender

As I started this wellness journey, I knew that I wanted to incorporate more natural remedies into my everyday life. This book was a great start for me. The secret language of herbs gives you a basic overview of each herb so it is very easy to digest. The way the book is written it also serves as a quick reference guide that I turn to when trying to remember certain aspects of each plant.

I had some idea before reading this that there were herbs out there that helped with anxiety but beyond that, I really had no clue where to start, now I feel I have a foundation to stand on as I start to learn more about the powerful natural elements have and what they can offer to us. I’m excited to read more by the author, Alice Peck. You can find the book here.

More Herbal Content on Spiritual Binding Herbs

Wishing you love, light and inner peace babes ✌🌈✨💜

How Is The Secret Language of Herbs by Alice PeckHow Is The Secret Language of Herbs by Alice Peck

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